Spirit of Adoption Radio

Can I See Your ID? + Amazing Interview with Sasha Carpenter, Abortion Survivor & Adoptee from Russia!

Kevin and Tabitha Lovell Episode 38

On today’s show… We want to talk about Identification, our ID…..

Who are you? What is the definition of you? If you were in the dictionary who would it say you are? Who you are goes with you no matter where you go or what you do. Knowing who you really are is directly connected to knowing whose you really are, and who you belong to. In this episode we interview with Sasha Carpenter, an adoptee from Russia, who found her birth family and not only is that a huge part of her story, she also found that she was the survivor of an abortion. Her story of identity in Christ, victory, and overcoming many challenges she faced, is a huge testimony of God's amazing and incredible grace upon our lives.  

Who our spiritual Father is, not our biological father, defines who we are and the motives behind what we do.

John 8:38-39
37 “I know that you are Abraham’s descendants, but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you.
38 I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father.”
39 They answered and said to Him, “Abraham is our father.” Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham.

Ephesians 2:10
10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

You will be inspired and encouraged.  Please listen to the end and share with someone else who may be facing challenges with understanding their own identity.  

Be encouraged. Be blessed. Share the blessing.

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