Mile Hi Church Podcast

Blessings Abound Part 2: The Greatest Gift 20191208

Rev. Josh Reeves Season 3 Episode 54

Rev. Josh Reeves shares his Sunday message The Greatest Gift, Blessings Abound part 2. What is the greatest gift? It’s the most important gift that could ever be given to you or me—life itself. This gift is given to each one of us, but what matters most is how we fully use it.

Mile Hi is a New Thought church in Lakewood, Colorado. Practical and universal spirituality, affirmative prayer, meditation, and oneness are at the heart of all we do. Our community focuses on healing, growth, empowerment, positive living, mindfulness and a grounded spiritual path as well as overcoming anxiety, focusing on forgiveness and fostering healthy relationships. Dr. Michelle Medrano and Rev. Josh Reeves are the Lead Ministers teaching the Science of Mind and Spirit.