Real Estate Reinvention | With Michele Bellisari

Ep 029 - Age Is Just a Number! What Are You Waiting For!

Michele Bellisari Season 2 Episode 29

In today's sesh I share my thoughts on age. Thinking you are too old to try new things or create a new business...I jumped on Snapchat at 53 and started a lifestyle blog at 55! No matter what your age you can start a new biz, enhance the biz you are in (in my case that is real estate) and create boundaries that lead to balance in your life.

I hope you get inspired my friends to stop thinking about age as a barrier of entry but as an opportunity to expand and fly!

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spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to the real estate influencer buzz podcast with Ms Shelby Midlife Mama of Millennial Swipe, South Florida realtor marketer, lifestyle blogger and fan oven. Okey starting a Who loves in its life. Each week she'll be sharing her real life marketing and branding tips from influencers and an out of real estate bloggers and social media stars buckle up from a side of sassy Sprinkle of sparkly and entertaining conversations with influencers who share their secrets to grow their businesses. Sit back, get comfy with your favorite drink. Let's start today. Sip social cell sesh

spk_1:   0:41
Thanks for listening to the real estate influencer Buzz. I'm your host, Michelle Bo. Sorry and you may not know, but my podcast Waas an Inman innovator finalist out in Las Vegas in 2019. So I'm so happy that you're here. I tried to have lively, informative and motivational guests every month on my podcast. If you like to subscribe, we would love it If you can find this podcast on iTunes stitcher Google I heart radio Buzz sprout all of the fine podcast platforms out there. If you'd like to connect with me, please follow me on Instagram at the Michelle B and I always have some sort of freebie, by the way, that you can grab when you click the link in that bio. Also, I have a website, and it's called Sip social cell dot com or a block post and information on classes and webinars that I'm also gonna be teaching. So I look forward to having you join me every week for a sip. Social cell sash. Today's quote is fabulous. Age is just a number, which is a relevant, of course, unless you are a bottle of wine. The fabulous Joan Collins. So I've got to tell you guys, I love this as a hashtag over 50 mid life Mama, I do not give a shit about age. I have never cared about age. Um, I don't know why, but I'm kind of glad. Um, here's what's so cool. Joe Collins is 85 if you are American horror story fan, you know she slayed it. In last season's American horror story, it was awesome. She's a fan favor from the original dynasty, And if you've never seen an episode of Alexis Carrington in action, you really need to go on YouTube and check that shit out, She's the bomb. So here's the deal. I love the fact that this woman is amazing at whatever she's done, and she doesn't care about her age. I love that. I also just recently read a great article about the C. L E urban winery. That destiny Burns started when she was 50 in Cleveland Heights. And I got to tell you, I think this is fantastic. These women that are in mid life, starting new careers or a passion project that they love is right up my alley, I have to tell you, and I started, as many of you know, a block two years ago called hashtag. So Boca. I switched gears in my real estate career at the age of 50 and really start to focus on the listing side of the business, working with niches. And I think you could make a change in any time and at any age. And, you know, I'm a mom of Millennials. I have so many girlfriends that are like 40 50 and some in their sixties, and we have these conversations all the time about age and not to be fearful about what the next chapter is gonna look at, you know, look like and to take some risks and to enjoy your life and to expand your horizons I am a firm believer and running with an idea and just doing it. If you feel that it is your passion and that you can you really can start something by getting your feet web via side hustle and not giving up your full time jam. I mean, my full time jams Roll state My side hustle is hashtag so Boca and collaborations and sponsored posts and of writing things that fall under that and it is cross pollinating now in my real estate world so you know, it's it's very interesting how you plan to see it and you look back and I'm looking back now two years on my damn it. How did this all like evolve? It's like what I think about Snape checked out. Bless you, Brody, Um, being on snatch out like, three and 1/2 years ago and all the people that I've met from Snapchat and the collaborations and relationships and opportunities that have come of that because I started something who gives a shit what my age is? I don't care that being in my fifties Oh, I shouldn't be on Snapshot. Really? Well, I guess I shouldn't be on Instagram either, but I am. And bottom line is was I nervous? Shit. Yeah, I was nervous. I don't myself all the time. I mean, look, let's face it, we can weigh Don't always look like our, you know, social media posts, right? Looking all glammed up. Fabulous. I mean, self doubt doesn't always come through in a picture, but I needed a creative outlet to add to my life. And as much as I like real estate, I don't love certain aspects of it. And part of it wasthe needing some balance with creativity and things that I have fun with, like makeup and wine tastings and traveling. And how do I have balance and, you know, layer that all together. So that's what I did. Um, when you get older, you need safety nets and income streams, and real estate is one of those income streams for me, but so is working on the block and doing classes, teaching agents how to use instagram and social media and how to build your brand for free through these platforms. So bottom line is this. Don't let age hold you back from exploring, trying and join and creating something as your passion project. Don't be afraid to use social media, new platforms, that air coin just for the younger folks. Oh, I'm sorry. The demographic for let's see, Snapchat everything was like 18 alike 18 and 1/2 Who cares? Just freaking do it Hashtag ages just in number, Right? And you have to remember that. And I hope this motivates you to get you out of a rut, that urine or a situation that you're not happy with or work environment that just freakin socks. Trust me. Thank God I have not really had that in my career. But I did have one scenario where I was like, This is not gonna work for me. And that was at the same time they changed what I was doing. The rules down like this is not gonna work for me, and that's the way it goes. So, like I said, age is just a number. Look to the women around you that are just laying it with things that they're doing and trying like starting a podcast for crying out loud. I mean, come on. I'm on my phone. By the way, Doing this recording, Um, I'm just saying you don't have to worry about age all. Just keep doing what you're doing. And if you need, like, if you need to chat about it, feel free to send me a d. M. I will chat away with you about thinking outside the box and not worrying about that. Well, you know, this is like, No, not for me. I'm too old for this. No, no, no. You gotta get rid of that. Anyways, this episode is brought to you by Michelle Bell. Sorry. With ReMax. Service is here in beautiful book Raton, Florida. If you have a referral, think of me, Michelle B and the rules. State influencers, Buzz podcast. Hashtag So Boca Lifestyle and Media and some social sal dot com There, Ugo Three things I started in the last three years. How about that? All right, guys, have a great day and go out there and slay