Real Estate Reinvention | With Michele Bellisari

Ep: 038 - Have You Chosen Your Word or Words for 2020 Yet?

Michele Bellisari Season 2 Episode 38

Every year about this time I think about choosing a word to help guide me for the new year.  I think one word helps me define and goal set based on what I want to achieve. 

Now with that being said, and being the Aries girl that I am, I find it hard to pick one word. So this year I have decided to choose a group of words to help me stay focused on my end game. I am going to include words for my businesses and also for me personally. 

Full blog post and link to WordCloud generator just buzz by- #SoooBoca - One Word 2020

PS...I have a webinar coming up on Tuesday, January 9th 2020 12 pm -1:30 pm (it will be recorded for future access just an FYI) and it will cover how to create your own content calendar. It will include the actual calendar template and over 80 content ideas and categories for you to choose from.  Plus you will be entered into giveaways including Instagram audits! 

I also will be going over how to create a great caption, a kick butt bio, theme and how to re-purpose what you are creating on other platforms, Instagram stories and more. Zero fluff zone btw! 

Interested in getting started? Here is the link I hope to see you on the webinar! 

This Podcast is brought to you by #SoooBoca Lifestyle & Media and The Bellisari Real Estate Group at RE/MAX Services (Boca Based | Global Mindset)

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spk_0:   0:00
Welcome to the real estate influencer buzz podcast with Michelle Be mid like Mama of Millennial Swipe, South Florida realtor marketer, lifestyle blogger and fan oven Okey start Me, who Loves in its life. Each week she'll be sharing her real life marketing and branding tips from influencers and and out of real estate bloggers and social media stars buckle up from a side of sassy Sprinkle of sparkly and entertaining conversations with influencers who share their secrets to grow their businesses. Sit back, get comfy with your fever dream. Let's start today. Sip social cell sesh.

spk_1:   0:41
Hey, guys, it's Michelle. Be with today. Sip social sells social, the rules, state influence or buzz. And now, as we roll into a new decade, I have updated my annual word of the year block post. So if you are like me and you like to choose a word or a few words, I have put something together that will help you choose some words. Thio manifest your best 2020 and you know, a lot of people I know had a very hectic 2019 that would be me included outside of real estate that included troubling that included going to conferences that includes speaking or doing webinars. And this year, going to the new decade, I I want to have more boundaries and set a balancing tone to my wife. That's with clients with the type of real estate transactions I wanna work with. Um, Nicci, I really love, you know, working with listing niches and probate and seniors at downsize. And I'm really doubling down on that as we move into the new year. It's always a huge part of my business, but I would really like it to just be most of my business. Quite honestly. It's my favorite thing to do, and so that's going to be one of my words. Niche. And so the other thing is, is tweak. That's gonna be another word of mine because I tweaking a lot of things. I just re branded the So Boca website. I rebranded the sip social cell site, and I am going to blend a few things together. So collaborating my two businesses together is also going to be a collaboration, is one of the words. So say goodbye to 2019 and start thinking about you know what you see for your business, what kind of words are jumping out at you. And I would not ever think this. By the way, I'm a big, big believer, not overthinking anything I executed. Then I go back and I, you know, tweak it and fix things. And one of the things that I used was something called word clouds dot com and what that is. It's a word gent generator. So, like you can take all your words right and then, um, it will generate a shape Rio. And so that's what I did. I love love, love it. So that's easy. That's just Google it. Word clouds dot com and then I would love to know what word you choose. So send that over to me. Make sure you're following me at the Michelle B on instagram. I have a lot going on over there. That is my favorite platform. If your lady in real estate come join my women to women in real estate group on Facebook, just do a search of Facebook for that or send me a d m on instagram, and I'll send you an invite to that. Um and I, you know, hope you guys have a great you know 2020. This is going to be a fantastic year and a great decade on just feeling it. So have a great, great rest of your day and thanks for listening. And if you have any friends that air also, real estate agents picture you share the real state influence or buzz podcast with them. I would love that state team for some upcoming fabulous interviews with influencers in and out of our industry.