The Project: Kuwait

Mahdi, Meg, and Liam Discuss The Keys to Ramadan & Intermittent Fasting : A Starting Point for Mindfulness, Discipline, Weight Loss and Muscle Growth

May 03, 2019 Mahdi Aloun, Meg Guthmiller, Liam Glynn Season 1 Episode 44

Time Stamps:

1:05 – Mahdi, Liam, and Meg find themselves talking about the “Sex With Emily” podcast.

3:33 – Liam talks about his impression of Ramadan from a Western perspective.

6:41 – There are certain expectations around eating habits during Ramadan, especially when you go to multiple gatherings per night, so how can you maintain a healthy lifestyle during this time?

8:51 – People justify indulgences during Ramadan more than they probably should.

10:31 – Meg talks about intermittent fasting and the benefit of occasionally practicing it to prepare for Ramadan fasting. Intermittent fasting has incredible health benefits if done the right way.

13:43 – It is crucially important for you to be intentional about what you eat when you break fast every night.

15:13 – Meg recommends bone broth and other sources of good fats rather than the traditional dates. Liam adds that you should avoid processed foods and sweets which can spike your insulin levels and cause you to store fat.

17:45 – Mahdi talks about the effects of melatonin in terms of sleep but also appetite regulation at night. Liam says that it is important to maintain a consistent sleep pattern during Ramadan to help your body keep producing the right melatonin levels.

21:28 – Liam recommends that you ask yourself what you are really trying to do during Ramadan. It likely comes down to discipline, so this is a great opportunity to create good habits. Meg agrees, explaining that fasting elevates your cortisol levels, but having a plan helps you avoid more stress.

23:32 – Liam wonders how people can avoid dehydration during Ramadan, and Meg recommends that people eat watery fruits and vegetables rather than sugary items. Your last meal of the night should be heavy in watery fruits and vegetables and high fat foods.

25:20 – Mahdi brings up the point that the food industry creates their foods to be addictive, so you will crave what you have been eating.

28:08 – Mahdi is going to try doing strength training in the morning and cardio in the evening during Ramadan this year, which Meg affirms as a good plan. Liam says that this is a great way to retain muscle.

31:20 – Liam wants people to understand that even though you might not have as much energy to work out during Ramadan, you will be able to do it, and you will find that working out provides your body with needed energy.

33:04 – “A tiger never hunts when it is full.” As long as you prepare the night before by eating a sufficient meal and getting a good night’s sleep, you can find success in working out on an empty stomach in the morning.

35:29 – Liam emphasizes that a good coach or trainer is an valuable resource in this area especially, guiding you along your workout and nutrition routines throughout Ramadan. Meg points out that it is very important that you know your body and make an effort to understand what’s going on.

36:50 – Ramadan is the ideal time to work out because the intermittent fasting will hep you burn belly fat. 

37:45 – Meg’s key points for navigating fitness during Ramadan are: limiting sugar intake, avoiding probiotic deficiency, eating good healthy fats, movement, mindfulness, sleep, and reducing screen time and involvement in drama.

40:41 – Mahdi says that he is going to try the carnivore diet this year. Meg recommends the 800g of fruits and vegetables challenge, but remember that your main intention during this time is just discipline in whatever you decide to commit to.


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