The Project: Kuwait

Haya, Meg and Mahdi Discuss: What Your Back Pain Might Be Telling You and Ways to Relieve it and Specific Stretches That Can Aid You in Your Everyday Life

The Project Kuwait Season 1 Episode 63


Time Stamps:

2:55 – Mahdi’s accomplishments while training for his upcoming competition in Istanbul.

5:19 – Meg’s dad has chosen to live a healthier and more active lifestyle this year and Meg reports on his great progress.

11:31 – Destroying narratives we have grown up believing and changing our mindsets.

13:32 – Gaining longevity and feeling younger despite people warning you that you’re going to get hurt.

16:05 – Find something you want to do because you enjoy it and don’t let other people’s experiences affect what you believe.

17:23 – Meg talks about a recent workshop she attended that completely changed how she thinks about back pain and she describes the specifics of decompression breathing.

21:36 – Meg walks Mahdi and Haya through a decompression breathing exercise.

25:08 – Consistency is key – if you want to see results with anything, you need to do it consistently.

28:57 – Emotional reasons for metaphysical pain and ways to alleviate both.

30:33 – Meg describes how bird dogs and dead bugs help with stability and mobility.

32:20 – MRIs are one picture at one point in time and should not be viewed as a life sentence.

33:57 – Mahdi talks about his experience with doctors in Kuwait rushing people to surgery when physical therapy and healthy habits could have solved the problem.

36:48 – Sometimes people choose the immediacy and convenience of medicine and surgery rather than putting in the work to help you body heal itself.

37:55 – Mahdi integrates “stopping” exercises into his warmup routine.

40:01 – The mind-body connection and the importance of not rushing through. Haya talks about the connection between grip strength and pulling strength, urging people to ditch the straps.

42:38 – Haya talks about her very agile hamstrings and the work she is doing to make her ankles and calves more mobile.

45:28 – Recognizing where you are starting from and correcting any imbalances.

46:50 – Everyone is built differently. Pain is information and different than discomfort.



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