Jumping Ship with Paddy & Donna Podcast Artwork Image

Jumping Ship with Paddy & Donna

Paddy & Donna

Paddy from Ireland & Donna from Canada are two 50 somethings who have not only found each other again after 27 years, but have also discovered a deep love and connection. In a sense, they have Jumped Ship by making abrupt and courageous changes in their lives. As they continue this new journey together, they will share what they have learned apart over the years, and what they are learning together as a mature couple. They will reveal the obstacles that they are facing, primarily overcoming getting older and the long distance of "the pond between them", and will share their observations and solutions. Filled with tips and advice, Jumping Ship with Paddy & Donna is an exciting podcast that will make you laugh as it inspires you to also Jump Ship and make those changes in your life that you have been putting off for all kinds of valid reasons. It is time to live the life you were meant to, no matter what age you may be!