Martin Luther's Evening Prayer

Coast to Coast Broadcast January 8, 2020 - Ephesians 1 - "Epiphany to the Gentiles"

Dr. Richard Zeile

An "epiphany" is a manifestation of a god, or one's experience of this. Christ was manifest as God at His Baptism when the Father spoke from the sky, at the wedding of Cana when He turned water into wine, and at the Transfiguration when Moses and Elijah appeared with Him on Mt. Tabor. But the first manifestation of Christ's divinity was the star that guided the wise men who brought Him gifts of tribute. Thus began God's outreach to the gentiles (non-Jews), and the nations have been bringing tribute ever since. St. Paul discloses this mystery hinted at but kept hidden in the Old Testament as God's desire to redeem all His fallen children through Christ.