Martin Luther's Evening Prayer
"An Unchanging Faith for Changing Lives" describes the message of God for us in the turmoil of the 21st Century. This faith is taught at St. John's Lutheran Church of Taylor, Michigan, and other congregations of the Lutheran church-Missouri Synod. Rev. Dr. Richard Zeile, Pastor at St. John's, applies the Word of God to our everyday experiences. God's LAW always accuses, but God's GOSPEL shows where grace can be found, through Jesus Christ who died for our sin, but rose that we may have eternal life.
Podcasting since 2014 • 366 episodes
Martin Luther's Evening Prayer
Latest Episodes
After the hymn based on John 3:16, Dr. Zeile discusses legalism. Often mistaken for an unfeeling application of law, it also encompasses the manipulation of the law through arbitrary definition or casuistry so that it reflects the will of men r...

Mark 10:45 A RANSOM
After corporate Confession, introit, and Kyrie, Dr. Zeile explains the meaning of "ransom and the grim background of "redemption" in Hebrew history. The Israelites were vulnerable to raiders through much of their history who would pillage the f...

Psalm 1: The Two Ways
After the hymn "Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus," and the Nicene Creed, Dr. Zeile discusses the theme of the two paths through life, one which leads to God and eternal life, and the other which leads to self-regard and death. This is followed by th...