The Fitter Confident Youniverse; LGBTQ+ companion to wellbeing and fitness

Fitter Confident Crew: Episode 7

December 24, 2019 Matt Boyles and David O'Hare Season 1 Episode 7

Ready to THRIVE this Christmas?! Well the Fitter Confident Crew podcast has got your back! In this episode we cover: long Christmas periods! Grease 2! How to stay well this Winter! Mince Pies! Pigs in Blankets! Smashing tea cakes on your forehead (that was totally David, not me)! Midnight Mass! That awful/amazing Peloton ad! Plus more reader's questions - some serious that we handle very sensitively and thoughtfully... Others... less so, and the Fitness Fairy pops up a few time and basically no celebrity gets away unscathed. Get podding!

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