Here's The Thing...Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

Excuses, Excuses!!

November 06, 2017 Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC Season 1 Episode 33
Big, fat, right in front of your face EXCUSES! Where there is a will, there is a way, yes, but sometimes we make excuses because we just prefer there isn't a way - so we don't have to take responsibility and be uncomfortable as we grow! Those of us who complain and blame, stay stuck. We insist that everything is out of our control. We hand all of our power over to our circumstances instead of taking responsibility and changing our lives ourselves - but Here’s The Thing… excuse is just a challenge that you give your power to. To shift your reality, you must control your thoughts and actions. Success is not about your circumstances. It's about who you are BEING.