Here's The Thing...Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC

Snap Out of those Winter Blues!

Lauren Cardinale, CMS-CHt, FIBH, CPC Season 1 Episode 45
If your mood is as cold and dark as your landscape, you're in good company. It is that time of year (again) when gray skies and empty trees can lead to gray moods and staying indoors to hibernate. What’s more, as our energy lowers, so can our motivation for staying on track with those New Year’s resolutions we decided on only five weeks ago! (I know, right? It goes so quickly!). So, tonight we’re going to be addressing those winter doldrums, and what you can do to lift yourself up until that groundhog decides to come outside and stay. We’ll also take the time to talk about course correction on those resolutions – just in case things have gone a little astray.