Perfect Stress

Ep. 78 – A new tool in the stress management toolbox!

Adam Darrow

Of all the options out there to help with stress, until now there hasn't been something that directly addresses the fact that productivity and health are so interwoven, something that works with your innate qualities of unwavering drive and ambition to achieve your goals.  The MyStressAlarm app is based on a data-driven approach to stress management called chronic stress monitoring.  It's super easy and allows you to take calculated risks with regard to triggering stress-related symptoms as a result of overworking.  Please take a listen to learn more...

The MyStressAlarm app explained >> |

PLEASE READ:  The Perfect Stress podcast does not provide medical or nutritional advice, nor is it a substitute for medical or nutritional advice, and is not intended for the prevention, cure or mitigation of a medical condition or disease. This podcast provides information only. Please consult a physician or nutritionist for advice.