Perfect Stress
Ever felt like you pushed yourself so much that it actually affected your health, either physically or mentally? Adam Darrow – founder of the MyStressAlarm app – explains a simple way to find your perfect stress level so you can walk that fine line between being productive and overdoing it (triggering stress-related symptoms). With a mix of interesting interviews and bite-size monologues, we cover everything from what to consider when planning your day to taking calculated risks with your health to positioning yourself long term to sustain a high productivity level WHILE ALSO maintaining good work-life balance! Don't let stress get in the way of success! Episodes released Monday mornings. | |
Perfect Stress
Ep. 101 – What to do when you’re feeling trapped
Adam Darrow
Episode 101
When you feel trapped and not in control of your situation, this a recipe for chronic stress. But there ARE things you can do to help give you a sense of control back and reduce stress. Check out this week's episode for my two cents on the subject. |
PLEASE READ: The Perfect Stress podcast does not provide medical or nutritional advice, nor is it a substitute for medical or nutritional advice, and is not intended for the prevention, cure or mitigation of a medical condition or disease. This podcast provides information only. Please consult a physician or nutritionist for advice.