CY6 - Check Your Six

Episode 63: Anna Tanzilla - Camaraderie Foundation - "It's All About The Camaraderie"

Tim Proctor Season 2 Episode 63

We finally grounded USAF Captain Anna Tanzilla with the Camaraderie Foundation, for Episode 63 of the Check Your Six podcast. Anna flew in to the GRP Studios from Lakeland, actually she drove so I can't use the very old "and boy were her arms tired" pun, to be on the show and talk about the work they are doing at the Foundation. This in not just for veterans but for anyone that is married to a vet, has a veteran in their family, works with vets, teaches children of vets, anyone that might be in the support role in any way shape of form. There are a multitude of resources available as well as the ability to mentor veterans and other programs that filled up our time very quickly. We really appreciated Anna taking the time to come in and chat with us, it always seems to be better when there are 3 Air Force veterans in the house, not sure why??

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