CY6 - Check Your Six

Special Episode - Honoring The Fallen

Tim Proctor Season 2

Today is a bit unusual for the Check Your Six Podcast, we decided to come into the studio and record a short session and release it the same day, to honor the service members that were killed this week in Kabul. Both of us are Air Force Veterans, both of us were cops, Craig retired after 20 years, I got out after 4 and today is just a reminder that there are men and women all over the globe standing in harms way to protect us and keep us free. Regardless of what side of the political fence you stand on, all of us owe a debt of gratitude to those that have sacrificed their lives in serving their country and its citizens, even if some of those citizens are idiots. Do not take these freedoms for granted, they are not guaranteed by political parties or government agencies, they are there because men and women at some point decided to  write a blank check with their lives, payable at any point in providing that freedom. We are not able to do much as just a couple of guys talking about business, but this is just our way to say thank you.

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