Nail Your Nutrition Podcast

23: Six Diet Mentality Thoughts You Might be Having This Holiday Season and How to Let Them Go

December 08, 2020

In this episode, we dive into six common diet mentality thoughts that crop up during the six weeks between Thanksgiving and the New Year for athletes (and everyone!).

We see these all the time in our clients, social media, and articles and want to give you actionable advice on how to put a stop to them so you can enjoy the holiday foods that are plentiful right now.

Here are the six diet mentality thoughts you might be experiencing:

  • Running is cancelled so I am going to eat my feelings
  • How much weight will I gain if I don’t run it off? How many miles do I have to run to burn this off? 
  • Putting exercise and workouts before family/traditions etc. It becomes a problem when it impacts your quality of life, relationships, brain space, mental energy, etc. 
  • December is a wash, I’ll start over in January.
  • I won’t go back for seconds this year /I’ll only eat X amount of my favorite food
  • My holiday favorites have too much sugar

Sound familiar? We cover each of these in depth and provide takeaways so you don't have to battle these thoughts all month long!

For full resources and things mentioned in this episode, check out the show notes here.