Nail Your Nutrition Podcast

26: How Our Relationships with Food and Exercise Have Changed Over Time + What is Orthorexia?

January 05, 2021 Nail Your Nutrition

In this episode, we discuss our current relationships with food and exercise, and how they have evolved over time from what used to be an unhealthy relationship with each.  We also talk about orthorexia and how it can present for athletes. 

-          What is orthorexia, what are the signs and symptoms?

-          How nutrition programs can affect relationships with food

-          How can orthorexia affect athletes?

-          The difference between healthy eating and orthorexia

-          Why where you get your nutrition information may be a contributing factor to orthorexia and disordered relationships with exercise

-          What can you do if you think you have orthorexia?

-          How Sarah and Marita got into nutrition

-          How our relationships with food has changed over time