Nail Your Nutrition Podcast

43: Marathon Training 101: Your Definitive Guide to Nutrition + Gear for the Marathon

Are you training for your first marathon? 

Are you looking to PR in the marathon or BQ and want to learn how to properly fuel? 

Overwhelmed with all of the gear and have no idea where to start?

This episode is one of two special episodes focusing just on marathon training! 

Consider it your definitive guide to everything marathon training.

In this episode, we cover:

  • The gear you absolutely need to make training and race day easier and more enjoyable
  • Our go-to gear for long runs
  • Why you need to fuel your training, so you understand how important it is 
  • What to eat the night before your long runs
  • What to eat before, during, and after runs
  • Hydration and electrolytes- what you really need to feel great during runs
  • How mental training can be beneficial for your race and training

And more!

For full resources and things mentioned in this episode, check out the show notes here.