MindStyling for Entrepreneurs

Heidi's Top Tip: Asking for help will grow your business

Dr Becky Sage and Amy Armstrong Season 2 Episode 29

In today’s episode, Amy and Becky reflect on this week's Top Tip from Heidi Gardner: Ask for help - it is what will grow your business.

This week, we decided we'd turn this into an action, and posed ourselves the very specific question:

“What can we ask for help with to maximise growth and impact?”  

In our conversation about our conclusions for MindStyling, we talk about:

  • How to engage better with our listeners?
  • What makes a community?
  • The importance of making space for insight: the power of switching off from tasks and noise and allowing our mind to percolate.
  • How meditation or journaling can help us think through key questions.
  • The value of breaking down our life or work into priority areas – perhaps using a wheel of life model - and posing the question specifically for the area which will make the most difference to you now.   

We concluded that it is our listeners who we would most value help from at this stage.  We would love to know from you what we could do to serve you all even more powerfully.

Please let us know what help you would value most from us to help you maximise your growth and impact, using the links below.

 About MindStyling
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Host: Amy Armstrong
Website: https://amyarmstrongcoaching.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amyarmstrongcoach/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/amyarmstrongcoaching

Host: Dr Becky Sage
Instagram: www.instagram.com/drbeckysage
Twitter: www.twitter.com/becky_sage
Website: www.beckysage.com

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