Device Access UK Ltd's Podcast
How to get great Medical Technologies to patients faster in the UK National Health Service (NHS) and accelerate adoption through real world evidence and health economics to gain recommendation of use though NICE - the NHS HTA body.
Podcasting since 2020 • 15 episodes
Device Access UK Ltd's Podcast
Latest Episodes
MedTech Opportunities in 2022 as NHS Hospital Waiting List Pressure Grows
As NHS waiting lists grow, the need for operational gains intensifies. Hospitals need to be able to make faster diagnoses and deliver more efficient treatments to free up bed space and admit more patients. The issue is not simply about the NHS ...
How the NHS Carbon Neutral Agenda Affects the MedTech Industry
The NHS's target is to become the world’s first 'net zero’ national health service. Their ambitious plan shows that the greatest areas of opportunity are in the supply chain, estates and facilities, pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and trav...
MedTech Opportunities as NHS Hospital Waiting List Pressure Grows
Michael Branagan-Harris is joined by John West and Emily Arbuthnot to discuss the mounting pressure on the NHS. The session covers everything from waiting lists to how to engage with healthcare professionals to expedite your journey into the NH...
How to successfully navigate UK NHS procurement and tendering for MedTech
This episode is also available on Youtube, simply search for Device Access to find our channel.
The Benefits and opportunities of entering the UK Market with MedTech Post Brexit & Successful Case Studies
This webinar featured an impressive group of panellists, including:-Michael Branagan-Harris, CEO, Device Access-James Lindley, Commercial Counselor, US Embassy London-Jeff Dillon, UK Dept International Trade DIT-Amit Kukreja, Vi...
Season 1
Episode 9