Ep 22: How To Raise A Successful Business

July 15, 2022 Jill Wright Season 2 Episode 22

What if building a new business is a bit like raising a child?

What is the RIGHT way to raise a child? 

How do you know what that child needs?

How do you nurture that child and help her/him thrive? 

In this week's episode, eavesdrop on my conversation with Mark Butler, "The Money Guy", where we talk shop about building a business. You won't want to miss his ideas about what works and what doesn't. If you want to raise a successful business, this is the episode to listen to!

You’re looking for someone who knows what PayPal and Stripe are. Someone familiar with launches, masterminds, group coaching, retreats, memberships, ebooks, courses, freelancing, and productized services. Good news: that’s me.

Mark Butler started his first online business in 2004. In the last sixteen-ish years he's made money using a variety of business models. He's also collected a whole lot of information through observation of  his clients' strategies along the way.

Mark has a Beautiful Business Conference coming up in September 20-21, 2022 in Salt Lake City. You can learn more and sign up at

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