Veterinary Voices

vets and vet clinics - attitude of gratitude + kiss your brain in gratitude for wellness

Julie South of VetStaff Season 1 Episode 47

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Vets and Vet Clinics:  how to incorporate an attitude of gratitude in your life for well health

I’ve noticed the light of positivity in my mind dim over the last couple of weeks, and if I’m feeling it, then I know that others must certainly be a little shaky too.

Since that episode I’ve had a few people ask me how can they have an attitude of gratitude – what does that look like – as part of their lives?   The conversation usually goes something like this:

I journal.

What does journaling look like?


Who’s got time to journal?


How do you start?


What’s the purpose of that?

So today I’d like to share what journaling looks like for me – there’s no right or wrong way to journal – the important thing is to just do it.

What does it mean to practice gratitude?

Put simply, gratitude means the state of being grateful

It involves expressing thanks or appreciation for something, from a gift to life itself.

Gratitude is an active state – you have to go looking for it – it doesn’t just happen without having an open heart and an open mind… well I don’t believe it can.

Gratitude involves the recognition of the positive things in your life and how they affect you. 

It can range from noticing and truly stopping to look at and smell the roses through acknowledgement of a beautiful flower you pass when you’re out walking … or being wowed by the beauty of a full moon … or a rainbow … or sunrise or sunset … the smile on a baby’s face … when your pet greets you with such enthusiastic love when you get home … when your kids show you their work of art that’s just for you…  

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