BC Woodlots

1 - The Frontline and Aftermath of the 2017 / 18 Wildfires

Lisa Marak Season 1 Episode 1

This is our first podcast episode! It is an interview of three woodlot licensees at the Federation of BC Woodlot Associations 2018 Williams Lake conference and AGM who talk about their experiences with the 2017 and 2018 wildfires.

The theme of the Conference is From Adversity Comes Inspiration which highlights what happened in the Cariboo-Chilcotin and around Williams Lake during the 2017 wildfires and how to move forward when it is all over. 2018 grew into another extreme wildfire year contributing to the conference’s agenda. 

The first two interviews are with Marvin Strimbold and Jon Seinen, woodlot licensees who were directly involved in the Burns Lake wildfires of 2018. The third interview is with Ian Lanki, President of the Cariboo Woodlot Association who talks about why the Cariboo-Chilcotin wildfires of 2017 were so catastrophic and woodlot management post wildfires.

Produced by Pixxus Media - April 29, 2020