BC Woodlots

3 - 2019 AGM Part 2: Operational and Economic Opportunities for Woodlot Licensees

Lisa Marak Season 1 Episode 3

2019 AGM Conference, Smithers BC
Beyond Sawlogs: Woodlot Opportunities & Challenges

Part 2: Fibre Utilization - Operational and Economic Opportunities for Woodlot Licensees

Panel Presentation on Fibre Utilization - Operational and Economic Opportunities for Woodlot Licensees featuring Jon Seinen, Woodlot Licensee; Josh McQuillan, Pinnacle Pellet presents an overview of the pellet business and how woodlots fit in; Stuart Spencer,  FP Innovations presents BiOS: a roadside biomass volume app; and Ed Hughes, RPF, partner in Huock Resources and FBCWA Coastal Timber Pricing contractor presents a coastal woodlot licence perspective on low grade log fibre utilization.

Their presentations can be found at www.woodlot.bc.ca