BC Woodlots

4 - 2019 AGM Part 3: Competing Resource Management Objectives, Regulations & Policy

Lisa Marak Season 1 Episode 4

2019 AGM Conference, Smithers BC
Beyond Sawlogs: Woodlot Opportunities & Challenges

Part 3: Competing Resource Management Objectives, Government Regulations & Policy

Panel Presentation - Competing Resource Management Objectives, Government Regulation and Policy for woodlot licences with a focus on smoke management, improved utilization and waste. Ben Weinstein, Air Quality Meteorologist with the Ministry of Environment presents a Collaborative Approach to Smoke Management in the Bulkley Valley TSA; Jay Baker (RPF), woodlot licensee and forester at  Silvicon Services presents Beyond sawlogs: from a Community Forest Perspective; and Karen Price (PHD), woodlot licensee and ecologist presents Wood Adds Sustainability to Ecosystems.

Their presentations can be found at www.woodlot.bc.ca