BC Woodlots

2 - 2019 AGM Part 1: Fire Mitigation & Fuel Hazard Reduction

January 30, 2021 Lisa Marak Season 1 Episode 2

2019 AGM Conference, Smithers BC
Beyond Sawlogs: Woodlot Opportunities & Challenges

Part 1: Fire Mitigation & Fuel Hazard Reduction

Mike Simpson, consulting forester to woodlot licensees on their rights, obligations and legislation pertaining to operations; fuel management through prescription projects and developing community wildfire plans in addition to being the administrator for Forests for Tomorrow and Land Based Investment funding for woodlots, presents information on fire mitigation and fuel hazard reduction at the 2019 Conference in Smithers.

His presentation provides an overview of fuel management obligations vs non-obligations, whether or not to conduct non-obligatory fuel management, considerations and funding available.

Mike's presentation and resources can be found at www.woodlot.bc.ca.