Radio Kempe
Radio Kempe is here to connect you with the information you need to tackle current issues. Join us as we talk about difficult topics. Help us as we test assumptions to challenge traditional ways of thinking. Get curious, tune in, and join us on the journey to prevent child abuse and neglect every month of the year! Do you have a topic that you would like to hear from Radio Kempe? Email us at kempe.center@ucdenver.edu and let us know.
37 episodes
21st Century Child Abuse: A conversation with Emily Cashman Kirstein, who leads child safety public policy at Google
Emily leads efforts to keep children safe online at one of the world’s largest and most powerful technology companies, Google. Previously, she led the policy team at Thorn, a tech-focused nonprofit working to end online child sexual abuse. And ...
Be Well> Do Well> Stay Awhile: Leadership's role in creating a culture of resilience and wellness.
The last of the three drivers of workforce resilience is the critical role that leaders play in creating a culture where resilience and well-being are valued and supported. Research tells us that compared to client-related burnout, staff experi...
21st Century Child Abuse: A conversation with Lucy Berliner, a trailblazer in child sexual abuse, trauma, and victim treatment
Lucy Berliner is a renowned giant in trauma and trauma screening and was the former Director of the Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress at UNICEF’s global research arm in Italy. She was the long-time Director of the Harbor...
21st Century Child Abuse: A conversation with Daniel Kardefelt-Winther, who leads research on children and digital technology at UNICEF’s global research arm in Italy
Dr. Daniel Kardefelt-Winther leads the Digital Engagement & Protection Team at UNICEF’s Global Office of Research and Foresight in Florence, Italy. He is one of the world’s foremost researchers on the harm to children in the digital world. ...
Be Well> Do Well> Stay Awhile: The critical role that supervisors play in creating the culture of an organization
One of the three drivers of workforce resilience is cultural practices that support well-being and resilience within an organization. Supervisors in child welfare play a pivotal role in creating and sustaining the culture of the organization. C...
21st Century Child Abuse: A conversation with Jacqueline Beauchere, first Global Head of Platform Safety at Snap.inc., and the tech industry’s first Chief Online Safety Officer
Jacqueline Beauchere is the first Global Head of Platform Safety at Snap. Inc. She heads Snap’s online safety strategy and is working on these issues worldwide. Previously, Jacqueline spent more than 20 years at Microsoft where she was the comp...
Be Well> Do Well> Stay Awhile: 5 Simple, Proven, Practices that Build Resilience
One of the three drivers of workforce resilience are 5 surprisingly simple behaviors individual staff can practice to support their personal resilience. These research-supported practices; Gratitude, Moving Your Body, Mindfulness, Acts of Kindn...
21st Century Child Abuse: A conversation with Ethel Quayle, world-renowned researcher at the University of Edinburgh
Dr. Ethel Quayle was a research clinical psychologist (no longer in practice) at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland in the United Kingdom. She is also a world-renowned researcher, who has focused on sexual crimes against children, especial...
Be Well> Do Well> Stay Awhile: An evidence-informed framework to build a positive work culture led by Dan Comer
Human services organizations are facing unprecedented burnout, turnover, and recruitment challenges. The Kempe Center has developed "Be Well> Do Well> Stay Awhile," an evidence-informed framework to support workforce resilience. This fram...
Research on Evidence-based Parenting Interventions: Where does equity show up?
In this podcast, we discuss a recent paper published by Dr. Suzanne Kerns and colleagues from the Kempe Center, Clayton State University and Kaiser. The paper is called “An Equity-Focused Assessment of Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention Rese...
21st Century Child Abuse: A Conversation with Julie Inman Grant, Australia’s eSafety Commissioner
Host: Ernie AllenRecorded: July 2, 2024 Julie Inman Grant heads the world’s first government regulatory agency committed to keeping its citizens safer online – particularly its children. She uses civil pow...
Resolved: Intimate Partner Violence in a Child’s Home is a Form of Maltreatment and Should Generally be Reported.
How should we address the situation of children living in homes with intimate partner violence?Even if children are not directly harmed, we know they suffer poor outcomes from these environments. Should this be considere...
Race Intelligence™ (RQ)-A Coaching Framework for Brave Conversations about Race: A conversation with Michelle Davis
For decades, professionals striving to promote equity across various disciplines and systems have focused on cultural competency, cultural humility, and cultural awareness training. However, these efforts often fall short of bridging the gap be...
The Complexity of Child Abuse and Neglect: with Dr. Steve Berkowitz and Dr. Kathi Wells
In the past year, the Center faced scrutiny due to misconceptions surrounding the "Kempe Protocol." A narrative circulated about the Center, which did not reflect our perspective. In this discussion, Steve Berkowitz, MD, with CU’s Department of...
Get to Know Kathi Wells: Her Vision and Dream for the Kempe Center
Dr. Kathi Wells is the Executive Director at the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect. In this brief yet insightful conversation, we discover Kathi's vision for the Kempe Center, joined by Michelle Davis, Dir...
The Challenge of 21st Century Child Abuse: A conversation with Ernie Allen
Ernie Allen was the founder and longtime leader of both the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and its international counterpart, and he now leads the WeProtect Global Alliance. Recently, he has shaped child protection leg...
Reflecting on 100 Years of Children’s Rights: A conversation with Warren Binford
Did you know that international human rights began in 1924 with the recognition of the inherent rights of children by the League of Nations? In this episode of Radio Kempe, Kendall Marlowe interviews Warren Binford about the history of internat...
Navigating the Mental Health Care System: A conversation with Lauren McCarthy
Lauren McCarthy, PhD, LCSW shares a brief history of working with youth and families in Philadelphia and how that inspired her to learn more about increasing mental health care access equity. She identifies that we could provide all foster and ...
"Call to Action" Podcast Series: Disrupting child welfare practice as usual: An example of deep listening from South Australia- An interview with Sarah DeCrea and Paul Nixon
"Call to Action" Podcast Series: No Intake, No Foster Care - An interview with Eva Coles
Season 2
Episode 3
"Call to Action" Podcast Series: You Do Have Power! An interview with Patty Chin
Season 2
Episode 2