The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast

Change Your Music, Change Your Life - With Mark Romero, Musician and Energy Healer

Christine Okezie

Ep#107 Today’s guest is on a mission to help people attune their energetic selves and vibrationally  support them to heal and create more joyful and fulfilling lives.  He’s Mark Romero,  Musician, Energy Healer, Motivational Speaker, Spiritual Teacher and founder of Harmonic Alignment Technology.  After a highly successful corporate career, a twist of fate caused Mark to make the life changing decision to follow a completely different calling to embrace his musical talent and share his healing gifts with others.  The energy frequencies in Mark’s guitar music harmonize the flow of energy in the body and the brain; he combines his original music with inspirational messages and wisdom teachings that empower his listeners to fully step into living their lives as the conscious creators that they are.

Visit his website:

Free Gift: High-vibration healing music and companion workbook:

Listen to His Podcast:

Visit His YouTube Channel: