The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast

Wisdom On The Camino - A Journey of Faith and Self Forgiveness

Christine Okezie

Ep#108  Today’s episode spotlights an extraordinary woman, Kathleen Donnely Israel, whose spiritual journey took root and blossomed over the course of the 17 years that she cared for her husband who had Parkinson’s disease.   It was during this time that she studied spiritual healing from many enlightened thought leaders and teachers and went on to become a certified Transformational Breathing Facilitator and Theta Healer. 

When her husband died in 2018, Kathleen at the age of 69, made the 500 mile pilgrimage through Spain known as the Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James, an ancient trail originating in medieval times. 

People from all walks of life take this adventure for different reasons, but many like Kathleen walk to connect and discover a deeper meaning in life, to spiritually connect with nature or themselves,  find answers to deep questions. 

Kathleen documented her courageous adventure in her first book, Wisdom on the Camino sharing her story of lessons learned in faith, forgiveness and self reliance.  Kathleen’s story is an inspiration on so many levels.   She's a beautiful example of the deep vitality that comes from cultivating resilience, an open heart and  ever curious mind.   

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