The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast

Practical Tools To Live a Calm Connected Life - Lane Kennedy, Hypnotherapist and Human Potential Coach

Christine Okezie

Ep#130  Learning and growing through her own struggles with addiction, alcoholism, disordered eating and postpartum depression, Lane Kennedy now guides women with a deep range of wellness tools to achieve a renewed sense of inner peace and wellbeing.   Lane is the author of the guidebook, Grace Happens: A Guide to Living Fearlessly and the podcast, “Calm Connected Life”.

She is a Hypnotherapist,  Human Potential Coach, Hormone Cure Practitioner and DNA Coach.  Lane is also a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) teacher, Graduate of the Neuroscience Academy,  Yoga Nidra Facilitator, a Revelation Breathwork Practitioner, and a Peer Certified Recovery Coach.   

In this heartfelt conversation, we unpack the priceless gifts of learning to go within and rediscover that regardless of what may be happening on the outside we can heal when we remember that living a calm connected joyful life is our birthright.
