The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast

The Power of Taking Responsibility For Your Life - Krystal Jakosky, Spiritual Teacher, Writer, Intutive

Christine Okezie

Ep#135  What does it really mean to take responsibility for our life?  This is the focus of today’s conversation with my guest Krystal Jakoski, self ownership teacher and guide to women who are ready to "own their sh**t" and reclaim their personal power.  

Krystal shares her journey to accept a hard but life changing truth: that we create the lives we are living.  We discuss how taking responsibility for our choices instead of assigning blame opens us up to the truth of how powerful we are to heal and transform our life.  We talk about how owning our reality is about  tuning in to and turning up the volume on our own guiding voice and  how through compassionate self-ownership we can discover inner peace and healing. 

She  works virtually and in person offering 1:1 holistic healing sessions, empowering online courses and personalized retreat experiences guiding people to identify and clear blockages that are holding us back from our most authentic life.  To learn more about Krystal and her offerings, please visit her website: where you can also check our her podcast: Breathe In, Breathe Out where each week she shares a new lesson or meditation focused on helping you navigate your life by giving YOU the tools to become your own healer.