The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast

Why We Need To Develop Self Trust

July 01, 2021 Christine Okezie

Ep#062 Fed up with fad diets and fake wellness? Christine Okezie is on a mission to guide you to approach your food and self care challenges from a genuinely "whole-istic" perspective.  She's passionate about you having the right tools to understand the deeper soul truths in your health challenges so you can feel empowered in your body and in your life. 

Self Trust is what gives us the confidence and energy we need to grow, evolve our potential and live a soul directed life.   What’s hard for us to trust:  Our Emotions, Our Body, Our Appetite, Our Choices, Our Commitments and ultimately Our Ability To Know What’s Best for Ourselves.   A life without self trust can cause us to feel quite literally weighed down by life and be at the root of resistance to change when it comes to caring for our health and wellbeing. 

I share my top strategies for freeing up energy to develop self trust.  In these tumultuous times, never has cultivating our  ability to find a sense of security and belonging within ourselves been more critical.