The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast

You Are Not Your Diagnosis - Lyn Del Mastro-Thomson, MA, CBP

Christine Okezie

Ep#074  Fed up with fad diets and fake wellness? Christine Okezie is on a mission to guide you to approach your food and self care challenges from a genuinely "whole-istic" perspective.  She's passionate about you having the right tools to understand the deeper soul truths in your health challenges so you can feel empowered in your body and in your life.

One of my favorite quotes is by internationally known mind body medicine authority, Jon Kabat Zinn:  "No one can listen to your body for you, to grow and heal you have to take responsibility for listening to it yourself.” 

Today’s guest shares her compelling healing journey of learning this life changing truth.  Lyn Del Mastro Thomson is a holistic practitioner with training in somatic psychology, Body Talk Energy Medicine, Therapeutic Yoga and Hypnotherapy. 

She is a best selling amazon author of the book,  “You Are Not Your Diagnosis” offering people suffering  with chronic health conditions hope, understanding and strategies to step into a whole new level of empowerment in their own healing journey.

Visit Her Website:

Buy Her Book:  You Are Not Your Diagnosis

Listen to Her Podcast:

Special Introductory Body Talk Session:

Join Her Free Program:  Sleep More Soundly Challenge Starts Oct. 11th