The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast

How Knowing Your Enneagram Personality Type Can Impact Your Relationship With Food - Ann Gadd

October 28, 2021 Christine Okezie

Ep#079 Fed up with fad diets and fake wellness? Christine Okezie is on a mission to guide you to approach your food and self care challenges from a genuinely "whole-istic" perspective.  She's passionate about you having the right tools to understand the deeper soul truths in your health challenges so you can feel empowered in your body and in your life.

Discovering the “why we do what we do” is fundamental if we want to make real positive changes in our lives.   When we strive to be genuinely curious about ourselves we have the opportunity to get underneath behaviors that can seem illogical  or contradictory.   Such a big piece of health is learning to become a keen observer of our beliefs, attitudes because they are what drive our habitual patterns. 

Today’s guest is Ann Gadd, an artist, writer, speaker,  workshop facilitator and  accredited Enneagram practitioner.   The Enneagam is an eclectic personality development system that can help us better understand our core beliefs and motivations.   

We dive deep into the role that our personality type plays when it comes to our relationship with food.   Ann is the author of over 23 books including “The Enneagram of Eating” How the 9 Personality Types Influence Your Food, Diet and Exercise Choices.    Ann and I talk about how seeing our mental tendencies using the Enneagram  is a powerful doorway to shifting our eating and exercising habits.   Ann believes passionately that understanding our personality type is the first step to recognizing how we unconsciously limit ourselves in spite of  the potential wholeness that we all are.  She teaches that it’s through deep acknowledgement of our  fixations and passions, that we can free ourselves from them.  Ann explains how the Enneagram is a powerful tool for having an empowering relationship with food, our bodies and our true selves.

Visit Her Website:

Buy the BooK:  “The Enneagram of Eating” How the 9 Personality Types Influence Your Food, Diet and Exercise Choices.