The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast
The Soul Science Nutrition Podcast
Building Health & Vitality With Traditional Chinese Medicine With Ellen Goldsmith M.S.O.M. L.Ac. Dip.C.H.
#034 Fed up with diets and wellness hype? Christine Okezie is on a mission to guide you to approach your food, weight and body image challenges from a genuinely "whole-istic" perspective. She's passionate about you having the right tools to understand the deeper soul truths in your health challenges so you can feel empowered in your body and in your life.
Chasing the latest superfood, fad diet in our pursuit of health can feel very impersonal and even dogmatic. But there’s another way to think about food when you explore a traditional “food as medicine” approach and rightfully embrace food as our natural ally in health. Today we dive into the ancient healing system of Traditional Chinese Medicine ("TCM") with a focus on two of its main components: acupuncture and nutritional healing.
This episode highlights the importance of listening to our body from a place of curiosity and cultivating our innate capacity to choose foods that support our individual health and wellbeing.
I speak with a highly regarded expert in the field of TCM, Ellen Goldsmith. For over 25 years Ellen has shared her passion for transformation through health, practicing Asian medicine and acupuncture, dietary therapy, Chinese herbs, body-mind health, and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programs supporting thousands of people on their path to reduced pain, stress, and regained vitality.
Ellen is co-founder of Pearl Natural Health, a naturopathic, acupuncture and Chinese medicine clinic in Portland, Oregon. She is on the faculty of the National University of Natural Medicine's College of Classical Chinese Medicine and the Helfgott School of Graduate= studies teaching Chinese dietetics as well as the Academy for Integrative Health and Medicine.
She is the author of a must have book, Nutritional Healing with Chinese Medicine: + 175 Recipes for Optimal Health, a book to help people understand and put the nourishing wisdom of Chinese medicine into everyday lives, where it matters most; the kitchen.
To Learn More and Contact Ellen Goldsmith: