Career Solutions
Managing your career is a lot like being captain of your own ship. You’ll need a strategy for where you’re going that will prepare you for possible rough sailing. As you chart your course, consider these questions: Are you in charge, or are you letting others steer for you? Is your course written down, and are you following it every day? Are you flexible enough to make adjustments when a storm kicks in, like a change in leadership/management, a poor performance review, being overlooked for a promotion or a salary increase, a job loss from a company closing, downsizing, merging or being acquired? Will you be lost at sea or view this as an opportunity to change course positively? We never have total control, but you are in charge of the decisions you make. Let the Career Solutions podcast be your co-captain on your career journey. I’ll prompt you to answer the tough questions to find the purpose and passion to get your career in shipshape. Let’s set sail!
29 episodes
Retirement Rethought
Are you rethinking if you want to retire? Do you know what you’d like to do next? Do you still want to make money? If so, listen to this last episode in Season 2 to gain insights that will help you with your rethinking....

Five Keys to Finding a Career You'll Love
Are you struggling to find a career you love? In this episode, I cover the necessary steps to finding career success. Having direction and being able to articulate it to others will provide you with a roadmap to landing a position y...

Are You Being Patient When Looking For Your Next Position?
Being patient is extremely important in your job search. Get clear on what is in your control and be persistent. As someone once said, “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.”...

Why am I Rejected for Positions for Which I'm Overqualified?
In this episode, I address the commonly asked question, “Why am I getting rejected for positions for which I’m overqualified?” I explain when it doesn’t make sense to apply for positions for which you are overqualified and the circumstanc...

Should I Take Just Any Job While Looking for the One I Really Want?
In this episode, I address the frequently asked question, “Should I take just any job while looking for the one I really want?" I believe that taking just any job while you’re looking for the right position, may not be your best career st...

Diversity of Thought and Your Emotional Wellness
In today’s episode, Zander Keig and I discuss diversity of thought at work and how this may affect your career and emotional wellness. We share examples that suggest great minds don’t always think alike and give you solutions to being hea...

Bullying in the Workplace and How it Affects Your Emotional Wellness
In today’s episode, Zander Keig and I discuss bullying in the workplace and the serious effects it can have on your emotional wellness. Bullying affects more than 60 million people at work and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you are ...

Are You Setting Boundaries or Is Someone Else Setting Them for You?
In today’s episode, Zander Keig and I discuss why setting boundaries at work can enhance your emotional wellness. We emphasize that it’s up to you to be clear on the boundary and to let someone else know that he or she has crossed it.&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 5

Are You Feeling Stuck or Burned Out in Your Job/Career?
In today’s episode, Zander Keig and I explain what we mean by feeling stuck or burned out in your job or career. We ask some specific questions to get you thinking about why you may have these feelings and suggest several tools and techni...

Is Your Identity Tied to Your Career and Emotional Wellness?
In today’s episode, Zander Keig and I discuss how your identity is tied to your career and emotional wellness. We define what we mean by identity and talk about what can happen when your identity is tied to your job and title and when you...

Finding Your Purpose Contributes Significantly to Your Emotional Wellness
In this episode, Zander Keig and I talk about finding your purpose and how this is tied to your emotional wellness. We recommend making a list of those things you’re passionate about and what brings you joy. We also discuss how your...

How Does Your Energy Level Affect You and Your Career?
In today’s episode, I introduced Season 2 with my special guest, Zander Keig. You can contact Zander at www.zanderkeig.net. In the upcoming monthly episodes, we’ll be collaborating to further discuss emotional wellness and how it af...

Are You Steering Your Career in the Right Direction?
This is the last episode in Season 1, and my focus is to prepare you for taking charge of your career by giving yourself full credit and going after the opportunities that keep you engaged. I’ll remind you that you are the navigator of yo...

Managers and Leaders: Are You Keeping Your Talent Engaged?
In today’s episode, I discuss what employee engagement looks like and what employers can do to keep employees engaged. I share an example where a loyal employee wasn’t engaged and another employer stepped in to offer her what she was miss...

Are You Creating Your Own Career Circumstances?
In this episode, I discuss how you can manage your career and create your own circumstances right where you work. I’ll ask you some probing questions to prepare you for taking control over your career. I share a process for having a...

Go Through the Back Door, Not the Front Door!
In this podcast, I cover how you can stand out from your competition to get noticed and land a great position. I'll also share a client success story that demonstrates how you can get connected with an employer. I'll give you ...

Frequently Asked Job Search Questions
In today’s podcast, I explain how you can be a successful candidate and avoid some common mistakes. Determine what you want to do next, apply for the appropriate positions, do your research on the company and be sure to follow up after th...

Create Your Own Gig
Do you know what a gig is? Would you like to have other income streams in addition to your current position? Maybe you want to have a career of several gigs or to try on a special skill to see if you can make a living at it. M...

Make Your Dream Position Come True!
Have you ever wanted to create your own position but didn’t know how to get started? In today’s podcast, we learn how one of my clients did this and created the perfect position that has lasted 14 years. Isabel Balotin has been living her...

Networking using Social Media
In today’s podcast I share some guidelines and tips for using social media effectively and why having conversations with people is still very important. We have a basic need to feel connected, and I challenge you to have at least one new ...

Building and Maintaining Strong Career Relationships
In today’s podcast I discuss how essential Networking or Building and Maintaining Strong Relationships is to managing your career and life. I share how it not only changed my life but how it led to an amazing career for one of my clients....

Overcoming the Career Barrier: You May Be Holding Yourself Back From Finding Your Next Position or Career Opportunity
In today’s podcast I discuss how we may be holding ourselves back from taking the necessary career action because of our self-limiting thoughts. I’ll give you some examples of Affirmation Statements and a homework assignment to create you...

Overcoming the Career Barrier: It's Easier to Find a Job When You Already Have One
In today’s podcast, I discuss the career belief that “It’s easier to find a position while employed." I cover the reasons why it might not be easier along with an experience I had while looking when employed. You'll also learn some ...

Overcoming the Age Barrier: Am I Too Old to Find Another Position?
In today’s podcast, I'll cover overcoming the age barrier and how it may influence you when making a career or job transition. Your age doesn’t define you unless you let it. Can you change careers or positions when you’re older?&nbs...

Overcoming Career Barriers: No One is Hiring and The Only Way to Land A Position is Online
This podcast covers why only looking online can limit your opportunities and how building relationships with the hiring manager or decision maker can create new positions just for you. I also recommend that you get prepared to discuss you...

Overcoming Career Barriers: How We Make Career Decisions
How we make decisions and how others influence these decisions both positively and negatively may have a significant impact on your career. I’ll share some examples that may resonate with you and why it’s important to honor yourself, a...
Season 1
Episode 4

Overcoming Career Barriers: Finding a New Position During Periods of Uncertainty
We’ll continue reviewing how to Overcome Carrier Barriers with the focus on finding a new position during periods of uncertainty and a depressed economy and high unemployment. I’ll encourage you to explore new opportunities and careers by match...

Overcoming Career Barriers: Answering Important Questions
I'm beginning a series of podcasts discussing Overcoming Career Barriers. In this first segment, we'll look at the types of barriers that may get in your way when you're considering a change in positions or a career change. I want t...

Managing Your Career in Uncertain Times
In my inaugural Career Solutions podcast, I'll discuss 5 ways to manage your career during uncertain times. We'll use a simple breathing exercise to relax you and learn how taking career assessments will prepare you for your next career m...
Season 1
Episode 1