The Nutritional Nerd

9 Tips for Managing Depression and Anxiety Naturally

Kelly Aiello Season 2 Episode 9

Do you suffer from anxiety or depression?

If so, you’re not alone. Current rates are at an all-time high - in part due to the very stressful last year we have all been faced with.

Much like any other health issue, research into anxiety and depression all too often focuses on treatments and managing symptoms while ignoring the underlying problem.

In many cases, as with my husband following his TBI, this leads to people suffering unduly while they search fruitlessly for solutions - often feeling alone and let down by the allopathic medical system.

Much like any other health issue, research surrounding anxiety and depression often focuses on treatments and managing symptoms while ignoring the underlying problem.

In many cases, as with my husband following his TBI, this leads to people unduly suffering. At the same time, they search fruitlessly for solutions - often feeling alone and let down by the allopathic medical system.

If you can relate, especially in terms of your mental health and wellbeing, please keep reading.

Currently, rates of depression and anxiety are at all-time highs.

Why have rates skyrocketed? In recent times, the main reasons are due to issues surrounding politics, civil unrest, and an ongoing pandemic. Any one of these issues would make it difficult to cope without assistance, let alone all of them at once!

In the summer of 2020, 40% of adults in the US reported struggling with issues related to substance abuse and overall mental health. The problems causing these issues aren’t going to evaporate, so it’s up to you to find solutions that work for you.

The following list provides natural steps you can take at home to bolster yourself against the world’s many troubles naturally and manage your depression or anxiety.

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A reminder that this content is not intended to substitute professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of a medical practitioner for your unique case. |

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