Ep 86: Inside ‘The Resilient Entrepreneur’ with Dhruti Shah

Vinay Kumar

We continue the theme of resilience this week, with a special guest interview to mark a special occasion. With just one day to go for the book launch of ‘The Resilient Entrepreneur: Strategies to set you up for success’  (see details below), we have none other than the author herself in the hot seat today! Meet Dhruti Shah (who also guest-hosted our previous ‘Trendspotting’ episode), an Organizational Development consultant and coach with over 20 years of experience, who believes in the power of cultivating the right mindset. In her new book, Dhruti endeavors to help today’s entrepreneurs build, cultivate and sustain a resilient mindset to thrive in dynamically changing environments. Hit play to listen as Vinay uncovers the stories behind ‘The Resilient Entrepreneur’.    

[04:16s] Genesis of ‘The Resilient Entrepreneur’ 

[09:01s] Why resilience and entrepreneurs are synonymous    

[20:45s] Dhruti’s top three ingredients for a resilient entrepreneur 

[28:28s] Top takeaways for readers from ‘The Resilient Entrepreneur’

RWL: Dhruti’s recommendation to read ‘Mindset: The new psychology of success’ by Carol S Dweck  

‘The Resilient Entrepreneur: Strategies to set you up for success’ releases July 15th 2022. Get your copy of the book here 

Connect with Dhruti on LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram 

Connect with Vinay on Twitter, LinkedIn or email him at

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