Ep 104: ‘Insights 10 in 10’ Negotiation Skills with Sanjay Dugar

Sanjay Dugar

Negotiation is often described as the art of letting the other side have your way.” 

Christopher Voss, an American businessman, author, and a former FBI hostage negotiator said that. Negotiation has emerged as a top skill today and it looks like it will continue to be so in the near future. It is particularly relevant now as organizations look to not just recover in this post-pandemic era but also grow and grow fast. 

Welcome to this new avatar of our ‘Insights 10 in 10’, where guest-host Sanjay Dugar brings you his top 10 best practices and tips around a new topic each month (last Thursday of the month). This first episode, if you haven’t guessed already, is on Negotiation Skills. Hit play and go master the ‘no’ in your next negotiation! 

[02:19s] Tip #1: Be prepared. 

[02:50s] Tip #2: Build relationships to build trust. 

[03:50s] Tip #3: Communication is key. 

[04:26s] Tip #4: Focus on interests, not positions.  

[05:46s] Tip #5: Brainstorm multiple options before deciding. Never been in a hurry.  

[06:27s] Tip #6: Seek legitimacy. Provide or get data to back your asks.  

[06:54s] Tip #7: Be prepared with a BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement). 

[07:27s] Tip #8: Drive closure with complete understanding. 

[07:51s] Tip #9: Balance relationships and results.  

[08:15s] Tip #10: Don’t take anything personally. 

Was this topic relevant for you? Which other topics would you like best practices on? Tell us at  

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