A Therapist Takes Her Own Advice

Unraveling Anxiety with Elizabeth Cush

Rebekah Shackney Season 1 Episode 13

On this episode, Elizabeth Cush and I talk about the prevalence of anxiety in our culture especially now in this tumultuous climate. We discuss why trauma is triggered in times of stress, and she offers tips on how to manage it.

Elizabeth Cush is a licensed clinical professional counselor, business owner and blogger in Annapolis, MD where she hosts Woman Worriers, a podcast for anxious women. In her private practice, Progression Counseling, she helps men and women who feel overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out find more connection with themselves and others, allowing them to live their lives with more ease, intention, and purpose. She’s worked in the mental health field for over 10 years and is a certified clinical trauma professional. Elizabeth incorporates mindfulness and meditation into her psychotherapy work with individuals and groups. Elizabeth was a featured guest on these podcasts: Sacred Psychology, Women In Depth, The Practice Of Being Seen , and Selling The Couch. She’s also an expert contributor for Good Therapy, a guest contributor to the Happily Imperfect Blog on Psych Central and has been quoted in articles for The List, Teen Vogue, Tonic, Best Life, Bustle Thriveworks, UpJourney and The Paper Gown.

Thanks so much for joining me today for A Therapist Takes Her Own Advice. If you connected with what you heard here, and you want to work with me, go to my website, rebekahshackney.com and send a message through my contact page. And if you have enjoyed what you’ve heard here, please subscribe, rate and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

To learn more about DBT group therapy with Rebekah Shackney LCSW, go to https://rebekahshackney.com/groups