A Therapist Takes Her Own Advice

Money Mindset with Jelisha Gatling

Rebekah Shackney Season 1 Episode 20

Money is a taboo word that can bring up so many uncomfortable feelings. And this discomfort effects our relationships, our livelihoods and our futures. 

My guest, Jelisha Gatling, is a couples therapist and money mindset coach. She tackled her own maladaptive believes about money and turned her finances and her life around with the help of money mindset guru, Tiffany McLain, Jen Sincero's book, You Are a Badass at Making Money and Linzy Bonham's Money Nuts and Bolts. Now she teaches others to do the same. 

Jelisha Gatling is a couples therapist who has branched into providing money mindset coaching to therapists helping them work through their money blocks and rewrite the stories that are keeping them on the brink of burnout and broke.  She thrives off of helping therapists to see a reality where they can help others while also thriving financially.  She is working on her first book, “The Closet Wreck Therapist: Saving the Saver”, a humorous recounting of her journey transforming from “broke to woke” while giving a step-by-step guide to abundance for therapists who struggle to practice what they preach.

If you'd like to work with Jelisha Gatling contact her at the links below: 

Website for Therapy Clients: letsunpacktherapy.com

Website for Therapists: savingthesaver.com

Thanks so much for your support of A Therapist Takes Her Own Advice. If you connected with what you heard here, and you want to work with me, go to my website, rebekahshackney.com and send a message through my contact page. And if you have enjoyed what you’ve heard here, please subscribe, rate and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.


To learn more about DBT group therapy with Rebekah Shackney LCSW, go to https://rebekahshackney.com/groups