A Therapist Takes Her Own Advice

Demystifying Mindfulness: The How Skills

Rebekah Shackney Episode 25

With stress levels through the roof,  we could all benefit from a little mindfulness. This season of  A Therapist Takes Her Own Advice is all about making mindfulness understandable and accessible to everyone.

In this episode, David and I are talking about the DBT How Skills. These skills outline how to practice mindfulness. The How Skills are Nonjudgmentally, One-mindfully and Effectively.

Nonjudgmentally is noticing without adding opinions, interpretations or evaluations. The goal is to see reality as it is.

 One-mindfully means being in the moment and doing one thing at a time. It’s the opposite of multi-tasking which divides attention, and only gives you the illusion of being more productive.

 Effectively means cting as skillfully as possible to achieve the goal at hand. Focus on the situation at hand, not the situation you wish you were in or what is fair or unfair.

Thanks so much for your support of A Therapist Takes Her Own Advice. If you connected with what you heard here, and you want to work with me, go to my website, rebekahshackney.com and send a message through my contact page. And if you have enjoyed what you’ve heard here, please subscribe, rate and review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

To learn more about DBT group therapy with Rebekah Shackney LCSW, go to https://rebekahshackney.com/groups