Bringing You Back Into Balance

Is Your Morning Routine Making or Breaking Your Day?

January 19, 2022 Harinder Ghatora
Bringing You Back Into Balance
Is Your Morning Routine Making or Breaking Your Day?
Show Notes Transcript

Let me take you back to this morning and ask how you began your day. Did you have a calm, quiet and orderly start? Or, was it rushed, manic and frenzied?

How we choose to spend the first minutes and hours of the day has a significant effect on all those that follow. What we do – and how we feel – sets the tone for the entire day. 

We all know that life reflects back to us the energy we are emanating. So, if we take the time to raise our energetic frequency first thing in the morning then we’ve done all we can to ensure that life works in our favour. 

And there is no better way to do this than by establishing and maintaining a good morning routine.

In this podcast I outline 12 easy and, in my experience, rewarding ideas for creating a morning routine  that works for you.

Thanks for listening!

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Hi, It’s Harinder here, Holistic Life Coach, helping you to bring peace and balance back into your life.

I hope you’ve had a great start to the New Year. 

I don’t know about you, but I always take a good look at my daily routines this time of year and reflect on what I need to change …what new things do I need to include and what old things do I need to ditch. 

It has certainly been an interesting few weeks…I’ve moved out a house that I’ve lived in for 28 years and moved outside of London for the first time. 

It’s been said that moving house is one of the most stressful things a person can do. I can certainly vouch for that; the whole process has been physically mentally and emotionally exhausting. I’ve had to employ every single stress management technique I know to get me through each day.

My new home is absolutely wonderful. It overlooks a farm and I can actually see cows out of my bedroom window. I’m so grateful to be here even though at the moment it feels cluttered and chaotic with unpacked boxes everywhere. 

I’m a ‘outer order, inner calm’ type of person so this is challenging for me. But there is one thing that has helped me stay balanced throughout this life transition and that is my morning routine. 

I’ve had a morning routine in place for four decades. It has changed over the years but at the moment is involves morning prayers, meditation, affirmations, a page of journalling, and exercise in the form of a 30-minute walk or yoga stretches. 

I know for a fact that the way I spend those first few hours in the morning makes a significant difference to my mood, my creativity, and the flow of my day.

On days when I get up early and take charge of my internal state, I feel calm, settled and in control. Life flows smoothly and harmoniously. I get more done. And, I feel happier.

On the days I don’t get up on time and follow my morning routine I feel frazzled and out of control. Things just don’t seem to work so well. And, I feel as though I am constantly on the back foot, chasing my tail all day long but never quite catching up!

Let me take you back to this morning and ask how you began your day. 

Did you have a calm, quiet and orderly start? 

Or, was it rushed, manic and frenzied?

How we choose to spend the first minutes and hours of the day has a significant effect on all those that follow. What we do – and how we feel – sets the tone for the entire day. 

We all know that life reflects back to us the energy we are emanating. So, if we take the time to raise our energetic frequency first thing in the morning then we’ve done all we can to ensure that life works in our favour. 

And there is no better way to do this than by establishing and maintaining a good morning routine.

Now, you don’t need to spend a long time. For many people, time is at a premium in the mornings. I know that I spend well over an hour on my routine, but I especially enjoy this time. In fact, back in the days when I was suffering from chronic anxiety this time was an absolute necessity. I literally could not function without it.

But, you can take as little as 15 minutes and still experience the benefits.

We’re all different so everyone’s routine is going to unique to them. 

The important thing to remember is that your morning routine should make you feel good about yourself.

So, do you have a good established morning routine that works for you? If not then have a think about putting one in place. 

Here are 12 easy and in my experience rewarding ideas for you to pick and choose from:

1. Practice Yoga

Find a yoga routine, or some other form of gentle exercise, that suits you and allows you to move and stretch your body. We’ve been stagnant all night so this movement wakes up the body, releases tension in the muscles, straightens out our posture and energises us for the day ahead. Yoga is also very grounding and calming. It brings us back to our true self. 

2. Take a Walk

Go outside, ideally into an open green space, and practise walking mindfully. Observe all the details in your surroundings, pay attention to your body, and be completely present to each moment. There’s little in the world more magical than watching the sun coming up.

3. Repeat Positive Affirmations

Choose one or two positive statements that are meaningful for you and repeat them over and over to yourself. My favourite affirmation is “I am strong, I am calm, I am confident. God is with me. I am safe.” I’ve done that affirmation for decades and it is true….whatever you say to yourself really does become your reality. 

4. Pray

Sit down in a quiet space, light a candle, close your eyes and engage in focused prayer. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but those of us who do it regularly will say it makes a huge difference to how you feel. It’s one of those things in life which have to be personally experienced. Thinking about doing it will never equate to the experience of actually doing it. You can repeat a prayer someone else has written or you can choose your own words. 

5. Meditate

While pray is us talking to the Divine Universal Energy , meditation is all about quietening the mind and listening. There are many different meditation techniques to choose from so pick one that works best for you and dedicate at least 15 minutes per day to the practice. (If you would like to know more about how to meditate check out my upcoming meditation course 6 Weeks to Inner Peace.)

6. Read a Spiritual Text

Select a passage or a chapter from a spiritual text that inspires and uplifts you and read it to yourself, either silently or aloud. Spend some time afterwards reflecting on what the reading you’ve done means for you personally.

7. Listen to Music

Music can have a wonderfully calming and uplifting effect on the mind and body. By playing some gentle relaxing music and consciously focusing on your breath, you can help yourself to raise your frequency easily and effortlessly. 

8. Express Gratitude

Identify the things for which you are grateful and write them down in a gratitude journal. Counting your blessings is a really effective way to cultivate positive thoughts and feelings to kick-start your day. There’s no better way to raise your frequency and feel good about life. True feelings of gratitude vibrate at the highest levels of consciousness. We all know that like energy attracts like energy so cultivating these high frequency energies first thing in the morning is an excellent way to get your day to flow the way you want it to. 

9. Set Your Intentions

By reflecting on your priorities and writing down your intentions for the day, you can direct its course deliberately and purposefully. This is particularly helpful in clarifying what is most important to you and staying on task. 

10. Visualise

Decide what your goals are for the day and then visualise yourself successfully achieving them. Put as much feeling into this exercise as you can; it’s most powerful when you both imagine and feel that the goal has actually been accomplished. Or, visualise having achieved bigger, longer-term dreams and projects.

11. Practise Self-Healing

Lavish some care and attention on yourself by practicing a healing modality. There are many forms. Reiki is one example.

12. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Honour your body with a nutritious breakfast and eat it slowly and mindfully. Choose foods that will boost your energy levels and provide you with fuel for the day ahead.

Now, you can choose to create your routine around just one of these suggestions or combine several of them. What’s important is that you decide on a routine that’s realistic and achievable for you and practise it consistently for a few weeks. It may take some perseverance at first but soon it will become a habit. Then notice the difference it makes to your mood, your body, and your days.

Don’t be surprised if you start to feel:

  • happier and more positive about life
  • less stressed
  • more grounded and in control
  • more energetic
  • more creative, clear and focused
  • more motivated, and
  • better about yourself and your life.

Knowing that you have started the day on your own terms leads to a deep sense of accomplishment that lasts the whole day.

In fact, once you start to experience the benefits of having a nourishing morning routine you won’t want to stop.

Like me, you’ll soon realise that you can’t do without it.

Okay, that’s it for now. I hope you have a great day. 

Remember, always take good care of yourself. Because we both know that if you don’t know-on else will. 

Bye for now.