Daily Roll Call - Talking Tennessee with Cathy Hinners
Welcome to the Dailyrollcall Podcast! My name is Cathy Hinners host of the Dailyrollcall show. I am a retired police officer, speaker, consultant, and author, now living in beautiful Tennessee. My cohost Dave Vance is retired military (Army) 22 years, an OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) Veteran involved in numerous conservative organizations in Tennessee who is dedicated to restoring Constitutional government and alerting the public to the many domestic threats to our country. Be sure to check us out online at www.dailyrollcall.com - Facebook and Twitter @dailyrollcall A Digix Studios Production Copyright 2020 www.digixstudios.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 31 episodes
Daily Roll Call - Talking Tennessee with Cathy Hinners
Latest Episodes
The Church Today...To Entertain or To Teach?
Do you go to church for entertainment or to hear the word of God? In this episode Stuart Reynolds, Pastor Mike Tyree and I discuss the state of today’s churches, from the importance and truth of the message, is the size of the congregation impo...

How Christians are “izing” Todays Culture
Pastor Stuart Reynolds of Sheffield UK and Pastor Mike Tyree of the Mount Vernon Church of the Nazarene discuss how Christians are sympathizing, normalizing, demonizing and legalizing the LGBTQ+ movement.Find more on Stuart Reynolds at ...

A Christian discussion on Cultural Issues with Stuart Reynolds & Pastor Mike Tyree Part 2
In the final 34 minutes of our conversation with Stuart Reynolds and Pastor Mike Tyree, we delve into Chrislam, a dangerous global agenda driven by the Catholic Pope Francis.

A Christian discussion on Cultural Issues with Stuart Reynolds & Pastor Mike Tyree Part 1
In this podcast, join me, and special guests Stuart Reynolds and Pastor Mike Tyree as we discuss today’s cultural issues within the Christian church. Stuart brings his message and music from Sheffield UK to churches across Tennessee filled with...