The O Word

How do you write a new opera? – The Music

June 24, 2020 Welsh National Opera Season 1 Episode 3

Gareth investigates how contemporary writers approach creating an opera from scratch. As opera is a medium known for reviving and reinventing established works, what are the essential components needed for a brand-new opera to be representative of today? Celebrated composer Will Todd explains his process and performs extracts from his new opera Migrations.

Mae Gareth yn ymchwilio er mwyn darganfod sut mae ysgrifenwyr cyfoes yn creu opera o ddim. Cyfrwng yw opera sy'n adnabyddus am ailddyfeisio ac adfywio gweithiau parod, beth yw'r elfennau hanfodol sydd eu hangen er mwyn i opera newydd sbon gynrychioli'r byd cyfoes? Mae'r cyfansoddwr enwog Will Todd yn egluro ei broses ac yn perfformio detholiad o'r opera newydd Migrations.

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La Boheme, ‘Si, mi chiamano Mimi’, 1912 (Soloist Farr)