The O Word

Is singing good for you?

Welsh National Opera Season 1 Episode 5

Gareth talks to WNO producer Jennifer Hill about the formation of Welsh National Opera’s Cradle Choir, a project which brings together 96 primary school children and people living with dementia for a shared choral experience.  He also its down with Celi Barberia from the Sing Up Foundation to discuss the wider implications and health benefits of singing. Can singing really improve your physical and mental health?

Caiff Gareth sgwrs â chynhyrchydd Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, Jennifer Hill, ynghylch ffurfio Côr Cysur Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru, prosiect sy'n uno 96 o blant oed cynradd a phobl sy'n byw gyda dementia wrth iddynt rannu profiad corawl.  Mae Gareth hefyd yn eistedd gydag Celi Barberia o Sing.