The O Word

What does it take to be a conductor? With Tomáš Hanus

Welsh National Opera Season 1 Episode 10

Gareth meets Welsh National Opera’s Music Director Tomáš Hanus to discuss his career to date and to discover what it takes to work as a conductor on an international scale. 
Mae Gareth yn cwrdd â Chyfarwyddwr Cerddoriaeth Opera Cenedlaethol Cymru Tomáš Hanus i drafod ei yrfa hyd yma ac er mwyn darganfod beth sydd ei angen i weithio fel arweinydd ar raddfa ryngwladol.

  • The Cunning Little Vixen ‘Overture’ appears with thanks to WNO Orchestra 
  • The Cunning Little Vixen ‘Bezi liska Táboru’ appears with thanks to WNO Children’s Chorus and WNO Orchestra 
  • The Cunning Little Vixen ‘Vixen’s aria’ appears with thanks to Aoife Miskelly and WNO Orchestra  
  • Mahler’s Symphony No.1 is used with permission from the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 
  • Mahler’s Symphony No. 2 is used with permission from the DuPage Symphony Orchestra