The O Word

Modern Life: Figaro Forever

Season 2 Episode 5

Gareth Jones is joined by renowned opera critic Rupert Christiansen as he delves into the history of one of  opera’s most enduring characters, Figaro. Director David Pountney also chats with Gareth about how he built on The Barber of Seville and The Marriage of Figaro to create his sequel Figaro Gets a Divorce.

Bydd Gareth Jones yn cael cwmni'r adolygydd opera enwog, Rupert Christiansen, wrth iddo ymchwilio i hanes un o gymeriadau mwyaf diddorol opera, Figaro. Mae'r cyfarwyddwr David Pountney hefyd yn sgwrsio â Gareth ynglŷn â sut yr adeiladodd ar The Barber of Seville a The Marriage of Figaro i greu ei ddilyniant Figaro Gets a Divorce.