
A Vixen's Tale

Welsh National Opera Season 1 Episode 9

Mae Lorna yn cwrdd â'r soprano Meriel Andrew i drafod uchafbwyntiau ei gyrfa a darganfod sut brofiad oedd rhannu'r llwyfan gyda'i merch Martha mewn perfformiad diweddar o The Cunning Little Vixen.

Ein helpu ni i ddod i'ch adnabod chi -

The Cunning Little Vixen ‘Overture’ - WNO Orchestra  

The Cunning Little Vixen ‘Bezi liska taboru’ - WNO Children’s Chorus and Orchestra 

The Cunning Little Vixen ‘Vixen’s aria’ - Aoife Miskelly and WNO Orchestra 

Excerpts from Macbeth - WNO Orchestra and Chorus 

Rhondda Rips it Up! - Elena Langer and Emma Jenkins, the WNO Chorus and Orchestra  

The Magic Flute ‘Queen of the Night aria’- WNO Chorus and Orchestra